statistical analysis of the variability of concrete rebound hardness based on a
large database of 60 years experience
Paper published in Construction and Building Materials 53 (2014) 333-347
Authors: Katalin Szilágyi PhD, Adorján Borosnyói PhD, István Zsigovics PhD
Keywords: Concrete, non-destructive testing, rebound
index, repeatability, statistical characteristics
Abstract: Non-destructive
testing methods for concrete structures require statistical validation of reliability
model parameters. Present paper studies a comprehensive database of several
thousand test locations for the better understanding of the statistical characteristics
of rebound hardness of concrete and highlights that several gaps are found both
in current technical literature and standardisation. Detailed evaluation is
provided on repeatability and influencing parameters. Results of statistical
analyses are presented for the within-test standard deviation, coefficient of
variation, range and studentized range of rebound indices. Indications for the
reconsideration of particular statements in the technical literature and
standards are given.
1. Introduction
During the
design of reinforced concrete structures the designer specifies the strength
class of concrete that is taken into account. The same is carried out if the
performance of the concrete is determined by in-situ testing, e.g. surface
hardness testing for strength assessment. The designer’s assumption should
recognise the variability of concrete as a structural material and the designer
specifies the design strength of the concrete using its characteristic
compressive strength that covers the variability of the strength of concrete [1].
The characteristic strength is based on statistical concepts and usually means
a limit value of strength below which no more than 5% falls from test results of
a chosen concrete mix or a structure. This concept is illustrated in Fig. 1a
which sketches a histogram of concrete strengths that can correspond to a
particular series of tests and how the test results could be approximated by
e.g a normal distribution density function. Fig. 1b shows the idealized normal
distribution density function that is usually assumed in design and in quality
control based on statistical methods. The lower limit indicated in the diagram
is the characteristic strength (fck) below which no more than an
acceptably chosen part of the strength tests values shall fall. The
characteristic strength is usually given as a function of the mean strength,
the standard deviation of the strength and an appropriate margin parameter that
covers the type of the probability distribution of strength (that is not
necessarily always normal distribution), the level of the percentile (that is
not necessarily always 5%) and the reliability of the strength approximation
(that is depending on the available number of test results) in the following
form: fck = fcm – k×s; where fcm = mean
strength, k = margin parameter and s = standard deviation of strength. The same
can be formulated if one introduces the coefficient of variation for the
strength as: fck = fcm×(1– k×V); where V = coefficient of
variation for the strength and the further parameters are the same as before.
Fig. 1.
a ) Frequency histogram
of concrete strength with the best fit probability density function
Fig. 1. b) Idealized
normal probability
density function of concrete strength
analysis techniques mostly concentrate on the use of the coefficient of
variation for taking into account the variability of different material characteristics,
rather than the standard deviation. Whether the standard deviation or the
coefficient of variation is the appropriate measure of dispersion for concrete
strength depends on which of the two measures is more nearly constant over the
range of the strength [2]. Technical literature indicates that the coefficient
of variation is considered to be more applicable for within-test evaluations [2],
however, the standard deviation remains reasonably constant over a wide range
of strengths [3]. Fig. 2 illustrates the standard deviation and the coefficient
of variation of concrete strength having the average compressive strengths in
the range of 20 to 70 MPa, based on literature data [4].
Fig. 2. a ) Standard deviation of the compressive strength of concrete [4]
Fig. 2. b) Coefficient of variation of the compressive strength of concrete
If the quality
control is good during concreting, then the probability density function (PDF)
of strength is expected to follow the normal distribution and the test results
tend to cluster near to the average strength; the histogram of Fig. 1a
is expected to be mesokurtic or leptokurtic (see Appendix for interpretation). The average strength and the mean
strength coincides for normal distribution. If the test results are not
symmetrical about the mean (i.e. skewness
exists) then a statistical analysis that presumes normal distribution is
misleading. The statistical analysis is the simplest if normal distribution for
the strength is acceptable, as the normal distribution can be fully described
mathematically by two statistical parameters: the mean strength and the standard
deviation of the strength.
A sufficient
number of tests is needed to accurately find the variation in concrete strength
and to be able to use statistical procedures for interpreting the test results [5].
If only a small number of test results is available, the estimates of the
standard deviation and the coefficient of variation become less reliable [6].
The magnitude of
the variation in the strength of concrete in the structure is a result of
quality control (over the concrete production, the transportation, the
compacting and curing procedures, the specimen preparation and the laboratory
testing of the specimens) [7, 8]. For existing structures, another source of
variability is the influence of the environment, which may be uneven on the
structure. However, for a selected set of constituent materials, the strength of
concrete is basically governed by the water-cement (w/c) ratio. Further influencing
parameters can be applied in more detailed analyses [9, 10].
Surface hardness
test of concrete is typically performed in-situ on structural concrete members.
The most important characteristic of the test is that the near-surface properties
of the concrete in a structure are directly measured. It is not common in usual
practice that parallel hardness tests are performed on moulded specimens as
well, which are made from the concrete used in the structure; it can be the
case only for pilot projects or research. For material research and device
development the most common situation is, however, the exclusive use of moulded
specimens tested under strictly controlled laboratory conditions.
During in-situ
testing, the most significant characteristic of the non-destructive tests is
that the compressive strength of the concrete is not measured in the structure.
Instead, some other related properties are measured that are correlated to the compressive
strength. It should be mentioned here that no scientific consensus exists for
the term ‘hardness’ even for the definition of the word [11]. Also,
specifically for the rebound hammer test, the possible relationship between concrete
strength and hardness (both are time dependent properties) was only recently
revealed, answering a 60 years old open question [12].
It is
demonstrated in the technical literature that the average rebound index Rm(t) and the average compressive strength of concrete fcm(t) – both are time dependent material
properties – can not be directly correlated to each other as univariate
functions; the relationship needs the introduction of the series of
multivariate functions, where the independent variables are the degree of
hydration, the type and amount of cement and aggregate, the environmental
conditions and the testing conditions. The simplest construction of the series
of the functions is introduced by the authors of present paper [12], where two
independent variables were defined for the degree of hydration in terms of the
water-cement ratio and time, and all the other influencing parameters were
taken into account by empirical constants. The model was demonstrated to be a
robust tool for the modelling of the rebound index Rm(t) vs.
average compressive strength fcm(t)
relationship [13]. It was also demonstrated that the technical literature
provided a wide range of rebound index vs. compressive strength relationships
in the last 60 years that may generate concerns of the strength estimation.
Based exclusively on the published literature data, one may erroneously
estimate the concrete strength at certain rebound indices by a ±40-60 N/mm2
variation. Results clearly demonstrated that the validity of particular
proposals should be restricted to the testing conditions and the extension of
the validity to different types of concretes or testing circumstances is
impossible [14].
The uncertainty
of the estimated compressive strength depends both on the variability of the
in-situ measurements and the uncertainty of the relationship between hardness
and strength. One must account for three primary sources of uncertainty for the
estimate of the compressive strength of concrete by surface hardness test
method [15]: 1) the uncertainty of the surface hardness test results; 2) the uncertainty
of the relationship between concrete strength and the measure of surface
hardness; 3) the variability of the concrete strength in the structure. The
first source of uncertainty is associated with the inherent variability
(repeatability) of the test method. The present paper provides information mostly
to this topic. It should be emphasized that throughout the paper, the term
repeatability and the illustrated standard deviation and coefficient of
variation results are always indicating the variability of rebound indices at a
test location and not the variability of averaged rebound indices at different
test locations. Batch-to-batch variability and spatial variability analyses are
outside the scope of the paper.
2. Significance of the study
The paper
focuses on the statistical characteristics of different surface hardness test
parameters that can be obtained by rebound hammer testing. The discussions
cover both literature and own measurement data by Schmidt rebound hammer tests.
The extensive statistical analysis of the variability of concrete rebound
hardness parameters is made by a large database of 60 years laboratory and
in-situ experience. The study covers several thousands of test locations
providing more than eighty thousand individual rebound index readings that made
possible to carry out detailed statistical analyses. It is demonstrated that
several gaps are found both in current technical literature and
standardisation. The paper intends to provide general and comprehensive data for
the better understanding of the statistical characteristics of surface hardness
of concrete. The reader can find the details of the devices and the historical
review of their development as well as the most recent theoretical
considerations in the technical literature and in selected papers of the
authors [16-21].
The accuracy of
statistical information is the degree to which the information correctly
describes the phenomena that is intended to be measured [22]. It is usually
characterized in terms of error in statistical estimates and is traditionally composed
by bias (systematic error) and variance (random error)
components. In statistics, sampling bias/sampling error is a deviated
sampling during which sample is collected in such a way that some members of
the population are less likely to be included than others. Problems with sampling
are expected when data collection is entrusted to subjective judgement of human
[22]. A biased sample causes problems because any statistical analysis based on
that sample has the potential to be consistently erroneous. The bias can lead
to an over- or underrepresentation of the corresponding parameter in the
population. In statistics, inherent bias is a bias which is due to the
nature of the situation and cannot, for example, be removed by increasing the
sample size [22]. An example of inherent bias is the systematic error of an
Systematic errors can lead to significant
difference of the observed mean value from the true mean value of
the measured attribute. Systematic errors are very difficult to deal with,
because their effects are only observable if they can be removed. Such errors
cannot, however, be removed by repeated measurements or averaging large numbers
of results. A simple method to avoid systematic errors is the correct
calibration: the use of the calibration anvil for the rebound hammers.
Random errors lead to inconsistent data. They
have zero expected value (scattered about the true value) and tend to have zero
arithmetic mean when a measurement is repeated. Random errors can be attributed
either to the testing device or to the operator.
Fig. 3. Scale of the rebound hammer
The observational
error in the case of the rebound hammer
test is due to the design of the scale of the device (Fig. 3). Its
speciality is that no odd values are indicated on the scale. Therefore, the
observer should decide during reading how the rounding of the read value is to
be carried out. As the repetition of the readings is very fast in a practical
situation, it is expected that the observer adds an inherent observational
error to the readings of the rebound
index, in favour of the even numbers. The existence of the phenomena was earlier
indicated in particular publications for natural stones [23] and concrete [24] but was not analysed thoroughly.
To see the
magnitude and the influence of such an observational error on the reading of
the rebound index, a comprehensive data survey was carried out. A total number
of 45650 rebound index readings was collected from 28 different sources. The
data are based on both laboratory research and in-situ measurements. The
rebound hammers were N-type original Schmidt hammers in all cases. The data are
provided either by technical literature or from the data archives of the accredited
testing laboratory of the BME Department of Construction Materials and
Engineering Geology. This latter group of data is confidential for the
protection of the buyers of the accredited testing laboratory, therefore,
details of the structures or the concrete mixes used for particular measurements
are not given in this paper.
Total readings,
Relative error,
(Neven–Nodd)/N, %
Source of data
Table 1.
Statistical characteristics of the rebound index
data: number of even or odd number readings and their relative error.
Table 1 summarizes the statistical characteristics of the rebound index data
in terms of counting the even and odd number readings. It can be realized that
the observational error may be significant. Over the complete field of the
45650 data points one can find 57.3% probability of even number readings and
42.7% probability of odd number readings. It should be noted here that the
45650 data points are the product of several different operators, therefore, no
general statement can be taken about operator precision or measurement
uncertainty. The unbiasedness of the data collection is highly dependent on the
operator. It can be realized (without referring to the exact sources of the
data) that the worst cases were corresponded to situations when
unskilled/untrained users performed the tests (e.g. students with lack of long term
practice in the use of rebound hammers). On the other hand, the best results
were always corresponded to laboratory research or in-situ measurements
performed by the skilled staff of the accredited testing laboratory of the BME
Department of Construction Materials and Engineering Geology or by the staff of
its predecessor institute (BME Department of Construction Materials).
From the practical point of view of material
testing – and not from that of the requirements of analytical accuracy of
probability theory – one may ask that how much is the influence of the observational error on the
reliability of concrete strength estimation based on the rebound hammer test,
as it is the most important aim in most of the cases when the rebound hammers
are used. Strength estimation usually means the estimation of the mean
compressive strength based on the mean rebound index (mean can indicate
here either the average or the median value of the rebound index) and random
errors are usually expected to have an influence on kurtosis rather than on the
mean value.
The mostly erroneous
dataset listed in Table 1 at the 28th position is selected
for the demonstration of an unfavourable performance. The dataset can be found
in the technical literature (for the right of privacy of the original authors
no reference is given here as the example is inferior). The test results were actually
collected for a diploma thesis and the operator was the candidate undergraduate
student (not at BME). The 1140 rebound index readings are the result of a test
series conducted on 5 different concrete mixes where 20 replicate readings were
recorded at 57 individual measuring locations. The overall statistical
parameters of the strength measurements for the 5 mixes are as follows (in the
order of fcm, MPa; s, MPa; V, %): mix 1) 45.8 MPa; 7.48 MPa;
16.3%, mix 2) 48.3 MPa; 8.81 MPa; 18.3%, mix 3) 46.9 MPa; 1.03
MPa; 2.2%, mix 4) 34.3 MPa; 1.73 MPa; 5.1%, mix 5) 29.4 MPa; 2.38
MPa; 8.1%, that indicates a low level of quality control during the tests (compare
to Fig. 2). The overall range is Rmin
= 20 and Rmax = 51, for
the rebound index readings. The resulted range of 31 shall not be criticised,
as these readings are not of the same concrete. The average of the 880 even
readings is Rm,even =
32.38 and the standard deviation of the 880 even readings is sRm,even
= 3.80. The average of the 260 odd readings is Rm,odd = 32.18 and the standard deviation of the 260 odd
readings is sRm,odd = 4.42. On the first look, these differences can
be considered to be negligible. If one takes a look at a more detailed
statistical parameter check then more reliable decisions can be taken. The reader
can refer first to Fig. 4 where the 57 individual measuring locations
are illustrated as Rm–fcm
(Fig. 4.a), as Rm–sR
(Fig. 4.b), and as Rm–VR
(Fig. 4.c) responses.
Fig. 4. a) Relationship between average rebound index and average
compressive strength
Fig. 4. b) Relationship between average rebound index and within-test
standard deviation
Fig. 4. c) Relationship between average rebound index and within-test
coefficient of variation of 57 individual test locations
It can be realized that the dataset indeed covers values
that confirm the above statement about the low level of quality control (the
reader can compare Fig. 4.b and Fig 4.c with Fig. 11.a and
Fig. 11.b). Further statistical considerations are illustrated in Fig.
5. The rebound index ranges of individual measuring locations are shown in Fig.
5.a, indicating with black tone the locations where the limit of 12 units
suggested by ASTM C 805 is violated. The observational error is given in Fig.
5.b, which diagram shows the differences (in percents) between the
only-even-number and only-odd-number averages calculated to each location. The
deviation has a positive sign if the only-even-number average is higher and has
a negative sign if the only-odd-number average is higher. It can be seen that
the error can reach the magnitude of 20% at specific locations. Also, there are
locations where zero number of odd readings was recorded and therefore the
error is 100%.The diagram indicates these locations with a striped tone. It can
be realized by the comparison of the two diagrams that the observational error
and the inherent variance of concrete hardness are independent parameters,
therefore, they can be separated and determined individually in theoretical
Fig. 5. a) Range of rebound index of
57 individual test locations
Fig. 5. b) Specific observational
error of 57 individual test locations
It can be
summarized as a conclusion that the observational error can be considerable in
particular cases, but this error seems to have negligible influence when
rebound indices are averaged. At the present stage of the research, it is not
yet demonstrated if the observational error may result bias of the rebound
index data. Future statistical analyses are needed to make clear the real
influences. It is suggested, however, that a simple development of the testing
device may eliminate the operator observational error: a scale of the index
rider would be needed that indicates both even and odd values rather than only
even values as it is the case for the original design. The currently available
experimental results also demonstrate that the digital data collection of the
coefficient of restitution (see e.g. the Silver-Schmidt hammer) instead of the
operator’s eye sensory reading at the conventional rebound index (see e.g. the
original Schmidt hammer) do not improve
the precision of the measurement [25]. On the contrary: it has been shown on 10
different natural stones that the necessary sample size to arrive at the same confidence
level of the estimation of the sample mean is considerably higher for the
Silver-Schmidt hammer than is needed for the original Schmidt hammer,
regardless the magnitude of the operator observational error [25]. It calls the
attention to further future analyses before a proper possible improving
development of the original Schmidt hammers; which devices are far the most successful
non-destructive testing tools for the in-situ surface hardness testing of
concrete as well as of natural stones.
4. Normality tests for the rebound hammer
In mathematical
statistics, normality tests are used to determine whether a data set can be
modelled by normal distribution or not. The importance of the normality tests
concerning the rebound hammer test can be understood since normality is an
underlying assumption of many statistical procedures. There are about 40
normality tests available in the technical literature [26], however, the most
common normality test procedures of statistical analyses are the Shapiro-Wilk test, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the Anderson-Darling test and the Lilliefors test. It is demonstrated in
the technical literature that the Shapiro-Wilk test is the most powerful
normality test from the above four [27]. Present chapter focuses on statistical
analyses based on the Shapiro-Wilk normality test.
Considering the
rebound hammer test, one can assume that the rebound index reading sets of separate
test locations are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random
variables since it can be supposed that the probability distribution of the
rebound index does not change by location within the same concrete structure and
the separate test locations can be considered to be mutually independent. Based
on these assumptions, the central limit theorem applies for the rebound hammer
test; i.e. the probability distribution of the sum (or average) of the rebound
index reading sets of separate test locations (each with finite mean and finite
variance) approaches a normal distribution if sufficiently large number of the
i.i.d. random variables is available.
To see if the
probability distribution of the rebound index reading set of an individual test
location can be described by normal distribution or not, the Shapiro-Wilk
normality test can be run. From 24 different sources, 4555 test locations were
selected (from which 3447 of laboratory testing and 1108 of in-situ testing)
where 10 individual rebound index readings were recorded at each location by
N-type original Schmidt rebound hammer. The Shapiro-Wilk test was run to all
data sets and the values for the W statistic was found to be in a wide range of
Wmin = 0.510 (p → 0) to Wmax = 0.988 (p > 0.99) with a
mean value of Wm = 0.885 (p = 0.145). Values of the W statistic
follow a Beta probability distribution with strong negative skewness. It can be
basically concluded that the hypothesis of normality can be accepted at very
low levels of probabilities for individual test locations. From the
analysis it can be realized that the hypothesis of normality can be accepted at
50% or lower probability in 87% of the cases. In 10% and 5% of the cases the
hypothesis of normality can be accepted at 64% and 80% probability,
respectively. The hypothesis of normality can be accepted at 95% or higher
probability only in less than 2% of the cases.
It is not the
aim of the authors to suggest if a triangular or a rectangular (uniform) probability
distribution could be a better estimate for the rebound index reading set of an
individual test location; future research is needed.
The practical
application of the central limit theorem for the rebound index reading sets of
individual test locations, however, may be a good indicator of the precision of
the rebound hammer test. Two comparisons have been made in this sense. During
the first one, literature data was analysed in which 36 individual, identical
concrete cubes of 150 mm
were tested by N-type original Schmidt hammer (with average compressive
strength of fcm = 29.6 MPa); recording 10 rebound indices on each
cube [28]. Test results are considered to be rather accurate with an average
rebound index of Rm = 36.9,
with a standard deviation of the rebound index of sR = 2.2 and a
coefficient of variation of the rebound index of VR = 5.9%. The practical
application of the central limit theorem was the running of the Shapiro-Wilk
test for 1, 2, 3, …, 36 rebound index reading sets combined. The expected
behaviour is the value of the W statistic approaching unity by the increasing
number of test locations combined. Fig. 6
summarizes the values of the W statistic as a function of increasing number of
specimens included in the analysis. The value of the W statistic is approaching
unity very fast, as it was expected.
Fig. 6. W statistic of rebound index as a function of increasing
number of specimens
During the
second comparison, four different rebound indices were compared by the
laboratory testing of 11 individual, identical concrete cubes of 150 mm (with average
compressive strength of fcm = 64.7 MPa). The testing devices were an
L-type original Schmidt hammer, an N-type original Schmidt hammer and a first
generation Silver-Schmidt hammer capable to record both R-values (conventional
rebound index) and Q-values (square of the coefficient of restitution) (it
should be noted here that the recently available second generation Silver-Schmidt
hammers are no more capable to record the R-values). Table 2 summarizes test results. 20 rebound index recordings were
taken by each device on each specimen. It can be seen that the highest
precision corresponds to the N-type original Schmidt hammer (highest precision
means here the lowest range and the lowest standard deviation for the measured
values at individual test locations). Lower precision of the L-type original
Schmidt hammer and of the Silver-Schmidt hammer is due to the lighter hammer
masses impacting within both devices and the sensitivity of the electro-optical
recording (Silver-Schmidt hammer).
Table 2.
characteristics of rebound indices obtained by different types of rebound
Fig. 7. W statistic of rebound index provided by different rebound
hammers as a function of increasing number of specimens
The Shapiro-Wilk
test was run in a similar way as of the first comparison. Fig. 7 summarizes the values of the W statistic as a function of
increasing number of specimens combined. One can realize that values of W
statistic approaches the fastest to unity for the N-type original Schmidt
hammer due to its superior precision. In the case of the L-type original
Schmidt hammer tendencies are similar, but the W statistic has lower values. Results
are controversial in the case of the Silver-Schmidt hammer. Tendency of the
values for the W statistic seem to decrease rather than increase, which
contradicts probability theory and apparently indicates that the central limit
theorem does not apply. The observed behaviour highlights the disadvantages of
the electro-optical data collection. The results confirm the long term
advantageous experiences with the N-type original Schmidt hammers (see e.g. [25]
as well) and further appreciate – after more than 60 years – the original
robust design of the device that provides superior precision compared to its
competitors in use today.
5. Current standardisation of the
rebound hammer test
testing methods for concrete structures require the statistical validation of
the model parameters. In particular cases the formulation of the model is
directly related to the statistical characteristics of the parameters
considered. Laboratory and in-situ experiences have demonstrated that several
material characteristics which are connected to the degree of hydration of
hardened cement paste as well as of hardened concrete (i.e. modulus of
elasticity, tensile and compressive strengths and surface hardness properties)
may be modelled as random variables of normal probability distribution. There
are, however, material properties for which the validity of the assumption of
normal distribution can not be demonstrated or even no any indication is found
in the technical literature considering an appropriate probability
distribution. Numerical modelling or numerical simulations of concrete hardness
behaviour need acceptable simplifications of the real behaviour. The current
state of the standardisation of the rebound hammer test is summarized briefly
in present chapter to be able to find the gaps in present knowledge and to
provide a basis for the literature survey and a comprehensive analysis of the
statistical characteristics of the rebound hammer test parameters given in
further chapters of the paper.
The ISO 1920-7
International Standard and the EN 12504-2 European Standard specifies the
method for determining the rebound index and the EN 13791 European Standard
summarises guidance for the assessment of the in-situ concrete compressive
strength in structures [29-31]. It is generally stated that the rebound hammer
test of concrete is not intended to be an alternative to the compressive
strength testing, but with suitable correlation, it can provide an estimate of
the in-situ strength. Therefore, it can be supposed that the rebound hammer
tests may provide alternative to drilled core tests for assessing the
compressive strength of concrete in a structure if core test results can be
obtained in limited number. Two different strength assessment procedures are
described in EN 13791; both by the formulation of specific relationships
between the in-situ compressive strength and the rebound indices. One
alternative suggests the establishment of a relationship based on at least 18
drilled core strength results, while the other suggests the use of a basic
curve, together with a shift of the basic curve, established by means of at
least 9 drilled core strength results detailed in the standard. It is claimed
that the basic curve has been set at an artificially low position so that the
shift is always positive. The basic curve for the in-situ concrete compressive
strength (fc,is) is a bilinear relationship, fc,is =
1.25×R – 23 (20 ≤ R ≤ 24) and fc,is = 1.73×R – 34.5 (24 ≤ R ≤ 50), where R is the median value of the rebound index (acc.
to EN 12504-2). Strength estimation without the direct calibration to drilled
core strength results is not supported by the basic text of EN 13791.
National Annex
of DIN EN 13791 suggests in its Table NA.2 numerical values according to which
the rebound hammer method may be used singly under restricted conditions and
the strength assessment can be performed by the suggested values [32]. The general
idea is attributed to Manns and Zeus [33] and was adopted by CEN/TC 104/SC1 as
well [34]. The suggested values are summarised in Table 3.
The ASTM C 805
International Standard contains precision statements for the rebound index of
the rebound hammers [35]. It is given for the precision that the within-test
standard deviation of the rebound index is 2.5 units, as “single-specimen,
single-operator, machine, day standard deviation”. Therefore, the range of ten
readings should not exceed 12 units (taking into account a k = 4.5 multiplier
given in ASTM C 670). Dependence of the within-test standard deviation on the
average rebound index is not indicated. Particular literature data support the
ASTM C 805 suggestions, e.g. [36].
For the bias of
the rebound hammer test no evaluation is given in the ASTM C 805 standard [35].
It is indicated that the rebound index can only be determined in terms of this
test method, therefore, the bias can not be evaluated. This statement, however,
in the point of view of the authors of present paper should be restricted to
the Digi-Schmidt and the Silver-Schmidt type rebound hammers as only these
models provide the rebound index readings digitally. The original Schmidt
hammers have a sliding marker for the indication of the rebound index that
shows the measured value over a scale on which only even numbers are indicated.
The operator decides the reading based on his own judgement whether the reading
is an odd or an even number. This sampling does not, therefore, exclude the
possibility of existence of an observer error or an observer bias.
Concrete Institute Committee 228 reapproved in 2003 the ACI 228.1R-03 Committee
Report that covered implications on the statistical characteristics of the
rebound hammer test; as an extension of ACI 228.1R-89 [15, 37]. No update has
been made since then up today. The Report illustrated – on a basis of three
literature references from the 1980’s – that the within-test standard deviation
of the rebound index shows an increasing tendency with increasing average and
the within-test coefficient of variation has an apparently constant value of
about 10% (Fig. 8). Particular literature data contradicted the
findings, e.g. [38]. The reader can realize that the information given in Fig.
8 is rather limited as well as apparently contradicts to an expected
behaviour that can be postulated to be a similar trend that was shown in Fig.
2 for concrete strength. Number of data points indicated in Fig. 8
is only 55 and the range of the analysed rebound index is narrow and restricted
to low values; all fall below rebound index of 35.
It can be
realized that still several gaps can be found in the recommendations in terms
of either limitations of the proposed methods or the missing statistical
verification of the indicated numerical values. In the next chapters, these
open questions are analysed without the aim of providing a complete solution
for the topics discussed.
Fig. 8. a) Within-test standard deviation of rebound index [15]
Fig. 8. b) Within-test coefficient of variation of rebound index [15]
Fig. 8. a) Within-test standard deviation of rebound index [15]
Fig. 8. b) Within-test coefficient of variation of rebound index [15]
6. Statistical analyses of test parameters in view of
current standardisation
6.1 Limitations for the use of basic curve of EN 13791
The idea of EN
13791 with the calibration of the rebound hammer tests to drilled core strength
tests is a practical and undeniable method to overcome the concerns of strength
assessment, however, it eliminates the advantages of the non-destructive method
and technically turns back to the destructive testing. The main driver of the
calibration is the relationship between the rebound index and the in-situ
compressive strength obtained by drilled cores. It can be demonstrated that the
development of a relationship based on 18 drilled cores and the corresponding
rebound indices can result an acceptable confidence level for the strength
assessment [6]. However, the use of the basic curve suggested in EN 13791 for
the calibration by 9 drilled cores needs to be reconsidered.
Fig.9. a ) Empirical curves found in the technical literature between the
rebound index and compressive strength.
Fig. 9. b) Experimental rebound index – compressive strength results (2658 test locations) together with the basic curve given in EN 13791.
Fig. 9. b) Experimental rebound index – compressive strength results (2658 test locations) together with the basic curve given in EN 13791.
Fig. 9.a indicates 40 empirical
curves found in the technical literature for the assessment of concrete
strength by the rebound hammer tests together with the basic curve given in EN
13791. Fig. 9.b indicates
experimental results (2658 testing locations) collected from the technical
literature and measured by the authors of present paper in the range of average
rebound indices Rm = 12.3 to 58.6 and average compressive strengths
of fcm = 6.1 MPa to 105.7 MPa, together with the basic curve given
in EN 13791. It can be realized that the basic curve is actually not set to an
artificially lowest position for which always a positive shift could be applied
for the actual strength assessment. Basic curve of EN 13791 is, therefore,
suggested to be reconsidered. It may be also added that numerical values
summarised in Table 3 according to
the National Annex of DIN EN 13791 as well as of CEN/TC 104/SC1 N 295:1998 (claimed
to be suitable for the rebound hammer test used singly for in-situ strength
assessment) are located very close to the basic curve of EN 13791, therefore,
do not always result conservative estimates either. Values given in Table 3 are suggested to be reconsidered.
Table 3.
Minimum median values of rebound indices corresponding to the strength classes [32-34].
Note: Bn and C classes indicated in the table are concrete compressive strength classification for normal weight concrete according to earlier German and recent European nomenclature, respectively.
Table 3.
Minimum median values of rebound indices corresponding to the strength classes [32-34].
Note: Bn and C classes indicated in the table are concrete compressive strength classification for normal weight concrete according to earlier German and recent European nomenclature, respectively.
In the
followings a short numerical example is presented to highlight some antagonism
hidden in the assessment methods suggested by EN 13791. Input data is taken
from the technical literature [39]. Eighteen drilled cores were tested in
compression and the corresponding average rebound index values (Rm,min
= 22.2; Rm,max = 39.1) were also published along with the
compressive strength values (fc,min = 19.0; fc,max =
41.0). Fig. 10.a. indicates the experimental results together with the
basic curve of EN 13791 as well as the 10th percentile curve that
can be obtained from the basic curve by shifting according to the method
described in EN 13791 Ch. 8.3 as Alternative 2 method [29]. If one uses
the compressive strength results of the 18 drilled cores and assesses the
strength class according to EN 13791 Ch. 7.3.2 (Approach A) then
concrete strength class of C20/25 is resulted (where fcm(n=18),is =
27.5 MPa, fc,is,lowest = 19 MPa, sis = 6.7 MPa,
therefore, fck,is = 17.6 MPa > fck,is,nom = 17 MPa).
If one, however, uses the 10th percentile curve that was obtained
from the basic curve by the shift and applies it to the actually recorded
average rebound index values (i.e. estimates the in-situ compressive strength
values by the acceptance of the 10th percentile curve and supposes
that the 18 average rebound index values are available from Schmidt hammer
tests performed on the structure without preparing any more drilled cores) then
completely different concrete strength class can be resulted: concrete strength
class of C12/15 (where fcm(n=18),is,R = 23.4 MPa, fc,is,lowest,R
= 9.2 MPa, sis,R = 7.2 MPa, therefore, fck,is,R = 12.8
MPa > fck,is,nom = 10 MPa). If one deviates from the suggestions
of EN 13791 and prepares the 50th percentile curve rather than the
10th percentile curve by shifting the basic curve and assesses the concrete
strength class then C16/20 would be resulted. It can be concluded that the
shape of the basic curve is not optimal and its use may result
over-conservative strength estimation in certain cases. Coefficient of
variation of the measured and the estimated compressive strengths may also
indicate that the strength estimation is not powerful enough for the analysed
case: Vc,is = 24.34% for the actually measured core strengths and Vc,is,R
= 30.79% for the strengths estimated by the 10th percentile curve. It
is also possible to follow the suggestions of EN 13791 Ch. 8.2 (Alternative
1) for the analysed case and establish a specific relationship between the
in-situ compressive strength and the rebound index result. For this example a
best fit power function estimate was established in the form of fc,is,R
= 0.1474×R1.521 of which regression coefficient was found to be R2
= 0.82 and the 10th percentile curve was set as shown in Fig. 10.b.
If one assesses the strength class then C16/20 is resulted (where fcm(n=18),is,R
= 23.8 MPa, fc,is,lowest,R = 12.9 MPa, sis,R = 5.7 MPa,
therefore, fck,is,R = 15.4 MPa > fck,is,nom = 14 MPa).
It can be also demonstrated that the estimation is rather powerful: coefficient
of variation for the estimated strengths becomes Vc,is,R = 23.86%
that is almost equal to the coefficient of variation of the actually measured
core strengths.
Fig.10. a ) Experimental results of drilled cores together with the basic
curve of EN 13791
Fig. 10. b) Experimental results of drilled cores together with the best fit curve
Fig. 10. b) Experimental results of drilled cores together with the best fit curve
According to the
ISO 3534-1 International Standard the repeatability is the precision under
conditions where independent test results are obtained with the same method on
identical test items in the same laboratory by the same operator using the same
equipment within short intervals of time [40]. Reproducibility means the precision
under conditions where test results are obtained with the same method on
identical test items in different laboratories with operators using different
equipment [40]. In the nomenclature of ACI 228.1R-03 Committee Report
repeatability is referred as within-test variation and reproducibility is referred
as batch-to-batch variation [15].
An extended repeatability
analysis has been made on 8955 data-pairs of corresponding average rebound indices
and standard deviations of rebound indices that were collected from 48
different sources (in which the number of in-situ test locations was 4785 and
the number of laboratory test locations was 4170; resulting more than eighty
hundred individual rebound index readings). Range of the studied concrete
strengths was fcm = 3.3 MPa to 105.7 MPa, and the range of the individual
rebound indices was R = 10 to 63. The
data are based on both laboratory research and in-situ measurements on existing
buildings. The rebound hammers were N-type original Schmidt hammers in all cases.
The data is provided either by technical literature or from the data archives
of the accredited testing laboratory of the BME Department of Construction
Materials and Engineering Geology. The averages and the standard deviations
were calculated by 10 or 20 replicate rebound index readings on the same
surface of a concrete specimen during laboratory tests, or at the same
measuring area in the case of in-situ testing. The data were analysed to see
the general repeatability
(within-test variation) behaviour of the rebound hammer testing. Analysis of reproducibility (batch-to-batch
variation) was not the aim of the authors. The range of the analysed data is from
Rm,min = 12.2 to Rm,max = 59.0 for the
averages and from sR,min = 0.23 to sR,max = 7.80 for the standard
deviations. Coefficient of variation was also calculated and analysed. Range
was found to be as from VR,min = 0.43% to VR,max = 31.12%.
Fig. 11.a shows the graphical representation of the statistical analysis
considering the within-test variation as standard deviation over the average
rebound index, while Fig. 11.b indicates the same but considering the
within-test variation as coefficient of variation over the average rebound
index. The reader can clearly realize that these parameters have similar
tendency to that of the within-test variation of concrete strength has, as it
was introduced earlier by Fig. 2; i.e. no clear tendency is found in the
standard deviation over the average and a clear decreasing tendency can be
observed in the coefficient of variation by the increasing average. Hence the implications
given by the ACI 228.1R-03 Committee Report (Fig. 8) is suggested to be
Fig.11. a ) Within-test standard
deviation over the average rebound index
Fig. 11. b) Within-test coefficient of variation over the average rebound index
Fig. 11. b) Within-test coefficient of variation over the average rebound index
6.3 Statistical parameter analyses
connected to ASTM C 805
There are two underlying
assumptions in the precision statements of the rebound index given in the ASTM
C 805 International Standard: (1) the within-test standard deviation of the
rebound index has a constant value independently of the properties of the
actual concrete and of the actual operator error, and (2) the percentage points
of the standardized ranges of N(m,1) normal probability distribution
populations can be applied for the determination of the acceptable range of
rebound index readings at test locations. No indication is given in the ASTM C
805 either about the probability distribution of the within-test standard
deviation of the rebound index or about its percentile level for which the
value is given in the standard. In the absence of the above information one may
assume – as a first estimate – that the within-test standard deviation of the
rebound index has a normal probability distribution and
the value sR = 2.5 is its mean value.
An extended
statistical analysis has been made on the previously detailed 8955 data-pairs
of corresponding average rebound indices and standard deviations of rebound indices
that were collected from 48 different sources (in which the number of
in-situ test locations was 4785 and the number of laboratory test locations was
4170). It can be realized in Fig.
12 that the distribution of the within-test standard deviation of the rebound
index has a strong positive skewness (g = 1.7064), therefore, the assumption of the
normal probability distribution should be rejected. Fit of distributions
resulted that a three-parameter Dagum
distribution (also referred in the literature as generalized logistic-Burr or
inverse Burr distribution) gives the best goodness of fit out of more than 60
different types of distributions. The parameters of the distribution function
are: a = 1.7958, b =3.7311, c = 1.2171.
Empirical mean value of the standard deviation of the rebound index is E[sR] = 1.667; the median value is m[sR] = 1.5; the mode value is Mo[sR] = 1.45; the
95% percentile value is v95[sR] = 3.1526; for
the analysed range of sR = 0.23 to 7.80.
It can be
realized that the sR = 2.5 value does not coincide either with the
mode, or the median (= 50th percentile), or the mean value, but rather
corresponds to a p = 88.5% probability level. If one would estimate the
probability distribution with a N(1.677, 0.75) normal distribution (for which
the goodness of fit is considerably weaker than that of the Dagum distribution)
then the sR = 2.5 value would correspond to a p = 86.7% probability
Fig. 12. Relative frequency histogram together with the best goodness of fit three-parameter Dagum probability density function (PDF) of the standard deviation of the rebound index (sR) corresponding to 8955 test locations
Next check can be the analysis of the rebound index ranges (rR = Rmax – Rmin) at the test locations in the case of the real measurements. Fig. 13 indicates the empirical probability histogram together with the best goodness of fit four-parameter Burr distribution corresponding to 8342 test locations (in which the number of in-situ test locations was 4785 and the number of laboratory test locations was 3557). Note that the rR analysis is based on a slightly smaller collection of data than that of the sR analysis. In the technical literature several references include only the average rebound index and the standard deviation of the rebound index without providing the individual rebound index readings. That is the reason of the difference between the sizes of the examined databases. One can again realize a strong positive skewness (g = 1.9432). The parameters of the distribution function are: a=0.89001; b=4.0809; c=3.755; d=0.41591.
Empirical mean value of the range of the rebound index is E[rR] = 4.8068; the median value is m[rR] = 4; the mode
value is Mo[rR] = 3.75; the 95% percentile value is
v95[rR] = 9; for the analysed range of rR = 1 to 24.
Considering the
value of rR = 12 as of the ASTM C 805 proposal, a p = 98.7%
probability level can be determined. The rebound index range at a test location
corresponding to the p = 95% probability level as of the ASTM C 805 target is
found to be rR = 9.
Fig. 13. Relative frequency histogram together with the best goodness of fit four-parameter Dagum probability density function (PDF) of the range of the rebound index (rR) corresponding to 8342 test locations
Fig. 13. Relative frequency histogram together with the best goodness of fit four-parameter Dagum probability density function (PDF) of the range of the rebound index (rR) corresponding to 8342 test locations
After the above
statistical analyses that are only partly confirming the assumptions of ASTM C
805, the next check can be the analysis of the assumption of ASTM C 670 that actually
suggests the application of the theory of standardized ranges (w = r/s) for N(m,1) normal
probability distribution populations for
the determination of the multiplier applied to the maximum acceptable range [41].
One may realize for the rebound hammer test (if 10 replicate readings are
considered at each test location) that the suggested value of the multiplier is
k = 4.5 according to ASTM C 670, which is the one-digit round value of the
percentage point of the standardized range (w) for a sample of n = 10
from a N(m,1) normal probability distribution population corresponding to a
cumulative probability of p = 95% (w = 4.474124; see e.g [42]). The standardized
ranges usually can not be applied for actual measurements as the real standard
deviation (s) is not known. Therefore, the studentized ranges (q = r/s) can be
introduced for N(m,s2) normal probability distribution
populations for the selection of the multiplier applied to the maximum
acceptable range. Based on the number of the measured results an appropriate
degree of freedom (n) for the independent estimate s2 of s2 should be selected. For large samples (n→∞) the percentage point of
the studentized range (q) approaches to the percentage point of the standardized range (w). Fig. 14 indicates the cumulative
distribution function of the calculated studentized ranges (qR = rR/sR) corresponding to the 8342 test
locations together with the percentage points of the standardized ranges for n
= 10 of N(m,1) for cumulative probabilities of p = 0.01 % to 99.99% (based on [42]).
It is assumed for the present analysis that the comparison of the empirical
studentized ranges (qR) with the standardized ranges (w) is acceptable
due to the large number of measured data. It can be realized that the median (=
50th percentile) values are almost equal; for the empirical values of the
studentized ranges qR = 2.991 and for the standardized
ranges by [42] w = 3.024202. It is demonstrated in the technical literature that the
probability distribution of the standardized ranges (w) has a positive skewness (g = 0.3975),
therefore the mean value E[w] does not equal to the median value, but E[w] = 3.077505 [42]. The
probability distribution of the empirical studentized ranges (qR) corresponding to the 8342 test locations, however, has a negative
skewness (g = –0.26501), and the mean value is E[qR] = 2.9794. Fit of distributions resulted that a four-parameter Pearson VI distribution (also referred
in the literature as beta prime or inverse beta distribution) gives the best
goodness of fit out of more than 60 different types of distributions. The
parameters of the distribution function are as follows:
in which a = 41399.0, b = 27867.0, c = 35.186, d = –49.297
Fig. 14 clearly indicates
the difference in the probability distributions of the standardized ranges (w) by [42] and
that of the empirical studentized ranges (qR) corresponding to the 8342 test locations. One can realize that the
difference is considerable at the cumulative probability level of p = 95%; i.e.
w =
4.474124 and qR = 3.635.
As the selection
of the analysed test locations was free of any filtering, it is assumed that further
increase in the number of the data points would not result better fit between
the probability distributions of the standardized ranges (w) and that of
the empirical studentized ranges (qR). Based
on the present comprehensive statistical analysis, the application of Table 1 of ASTM C 670 for the rebound hammer
test is suggested to be reconsidered.
Fig. 14. Cumulative probability distribution function (CDF) of the calculated studentized ranges (qR = rR/sR) corresponding to 8342 test locations together with the standardized ranges (w) to n = 10 of N(m,1) for cumulative probabilities of p = 0.01 % to 99.99%.
Fig. 14. Cumulative probability distribution function (CDF) of the calculated studentized ranges (qR = rR/sR) corresponding to 8342 test locations together with the standardized ranges (w) to n = 10 of N(m,1) for cumulative probabilities of p = 0.01 % to 99.99%.
7. Influences on the repeatability of
the rebound hammer test
The relatively
large number of data made possible to study the distribution of the repeatability
parameters in further details. Considering the probability density function of
the coefficient of variation of the rebound index, a strong positive skewness is
realized again (g = 2.2472). Fit of distributions resulted that a three-parameter Dagum distribution gives the best
goodness of fit out of more than 60 different types of distributions for the
coefficient of variation of the rebound index readings. The parameters of the distribution
function are: a = 2.2255, b =3.1919, c = 2.7573.
Empirical mean value of the coefficient of variation of the rebound index is E[VR] = 4.4021%; the
median value is m[VR] = 3.8%; the mode value is Mo[VR] = 3.125%; the 95% percentile value is v95[VR]
= 9.2132%; for the analysed range of VR = 0.43% to 31.12%.
The findings
confirm experimental data available for the repeatability parameters of
concrete strength [43, 44]. It was demonstrated in the literature – based on an
extensive analysis of 10788 drilled core samples taken from 1130 existing
reinforced concrete buildings – that the coefficient of variation of concrete
strength had a lognormal probability distribution with strong positive
skewness, while normal probability distribution was found for the compressive strength
itself (conventional concretes were studied with compressive strength lower
than 50 MPa; [44]). Similar observation can be made if one analyses the
distributions of the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of
concrete strength indicated earlier in Fig. 2 in this sense (see Fig. 15).
15. Relative
frequency histogram together with the best goodness of fit three-parameter
Dagum probability density function (PDF) of the coefficient of variation of the
rebound index (VR) corresponding to 8955 test locations
From a reliability analysis point of view one may practically select the coefficient of variation as the parameter of repeatability for the rebound hammer test. For this purpose, however, the governing parameters over the changes of the coefficient of variation are needed to be known. The authors of present paper have analysed the available database, with the selection of the following possible influencing parameters: the w/c-ratios of the concretes, the age of the concretes, the cement types used for the concretes, the testing conditions of the concretes (dry/wet), the carbonation depths of the concretes and the impact energy of the rebound hammers (N-type original Schmidt hammer with impact energy of 2.207 Nm or L-type original Schmidt hammer with impact energy of 0.735 Nm).
For the analysis
of the age of the concretes, 102 different concrete mixes were selected for
which the development of the coefficient of variation was possible to be
followed in time. The age of the tested concretes was between 1 day and 240
days. The measuring device was N-type original Schmidt hammer. All sources was
laboratory studies, no in-situ measurements were available. The behaviour was
found to be typical in each case, therefore, it was reasonable to prepare a
smeared, unified response for all the 102 concrete mixes, apart from the differences
in their compositions (Fig. 16).
Fig. 16. Coefficient of variation of the rebound index (VR) in time
The following observations can be made. In the first 14 days a rapid decrease in the coefficient of variation is measured that is attributed to the fast hydration and the drying out of the tested surfaces. A minimum is reached in the coefficient of variation at the age of 28 to 56 days. The reason is the slowing down of the rate of hydration. Over 56 days of age a gradual increase is observed in the coefficient of variation attributed to the more and more pronounced influence of carbonation. The direct relationship between the depth of carbonation and the within-test coefficient of variation of the rebound index is discussed later in present paper.
Fig. 16. Coefficient of variation of the rebound index (VR) in time
The following observations can be made. In the first 14 days a rapid decrease in the coefficient of variation is measured that is attributed to the fast hydration and the drying out of the tested surfaces. A minimum is reached in the coefficient of variation at the age of 28 to 56 days. The reason is the slowing down of the rate of hydration. Over 56 days of age a gradual increase is observed in the coefficient of variation attributed to the more and more pronounced influence of carbonation. The direct relationship between the depth of carbonation and the within-test coefficient of variation of the rebound index is discussed later in present paper.
The 102 concrete
mixes selected for the above analysis made possible to analyse the influence of
the cement type on the repeatability parameters. Nine cement types were studied
(in accordance with the designations used in EN 197-1 European Standard): CEM I
32.5; CEM I 42.5 N; CEM I 42.5 N-S; CEM I 52.5; CEM II/A-S 42.5; CEM II/A-V
42.5 N; CEM II/B-M (V-L) 32.5 N; CEM III/A 32.5 N-MS; CEM III/B 32.5 N-S. The
influence of the applied cements was visible and robust (Fig. 17). It
was found experimentally that the lowest coefficient of variation can be
reached for the rebound index with the use of CEM I type Portland cements over
the studied period of time. The coefficient of variation is increasing with
decreasing the strength class of CEM I type Portland cements (not illustrated directly
in Fig. 17). The use of blended cements (CEM II) or slag cements (CEM
III) always resulted in higher coefficient of variation over the studied period
of time, when compared to reference mixes made with Portland cements (CEM I). Differentiation
between the influences of different hydraulic additives (fly ash to slag) for
the blended cements (CEM II) or between the amount of slag applied for the slag
cements (CEM III) was not possible due to the limited data available. Future
research is needed in this field.
Fig. 17. Influence of the type of cement on the coefficient of variation of rebound index (VR) in time
Fig. 17. Influence of the type of cement on the coefficient of variation of rebound index (VR) in time
The influence of
the water-cement ratio was possible to be studied for six types of cements with
the analysis of the results of 93 different concrete mixes. The range of the
studied water-cement ratios was w/c = 0.35 to w/c = 0.65. It was realized, that
the coefficient of variation of the rebound index becomes lower if the
water-cement ratio is decreased while all the other concrete technology
parameters (including compacting) is unchanged.
As it was
mentioned above, the carbonation was found to have a more pronounced influence
on the repeatability of the rebound hammer tests on mature concretes,
therefore, a targeted analysis was performed on mature concrete specimens of
which age was 2 to 5 years during testing. 30 different mixes of concretes were
selected for the analysis with the range of compressive strength of 42.6 to
91.7 MPa. The measured depths of carbonation were found to be between 2.2 mm to 22.8 mm . It was
demonstrated that the coefficient of variation of the rebound index is higher
for higher depths of carbonation (Fig. 18).
Fig. 18. Coefficient of variation of the rebound index (VR) vs. average depth of carbonation (xc)
Fig. 18. Coefficient of variation of the rebound index (VR) vs. average depth of carbonation (xc)
The authors of
present paper have found during their earlier in-situ testing experiences on
masonry structures that the within-test standard deviation and the within-test coefficient
of variation of the rebound index is very sensitive to the impact energy,
therefore, a comparative study was performed on concretes using L-type and
N-type original Schmidt hammers to reveal the existence of this influence for
concretes as well. CEM 42.5 N type cement was selected and w/c = 0.40 – 0.50 –
0.65 water-cement ratios were applied for the same aggregate mix. In the
concretes both the cement paste content and the consistency was set to be
constant. The age of the test specimens was 3 to 240 days. It was demonstrated
that both the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation of the
rebound index is very sensitive to the applied impact energy before the age of
90 days. Experiments showed that the differences become more balanced and seem
to disappear at ages over 90 days (Fig. 19).
Fig.19. a ) Effect of the w/c ratio and the impact energy on the coefficient
of variation of the rebound index in time, L-type original Schmidt hammer
Fig. 19. b) Effect of the w/c ratio and the impact energy on the coefficient
of variation of the rebound index in time, N-type original Schmidt hammer
8. Repeatability condition check according to EN
There is
considerable interest, from a practical point of view, on a possible connection
of the repeatability of in-situ measurements (e.g. the rebound hammer tests)
and that of the compressive strength tests: namely, it is an open question if
the coefficient of variation of the rebound index (VR) could be an
acceptable estimate of the coefficient of variation of concrete compressive
strength (Vf). Reliability analyses need the value of Vf,
however, it is time consuming and expensive to establish its value in a
practical situation. Rebound hammer test, on the other hand, is easy to perform
and may provide a far less time consuming and expensive solution in a practical
situation. Present chapter, therefore, illustrates own results in this field.
Laboratory tests
were performed on 1350 concrete cubes of standard geometry on a wide range of
water-cement ratios (w/c = 0.35 to 0.65) using nine different cement types
detailed earlier in present paper. Rebound hammer tests according to [30] and
compressive strength tests according to [45] were performed on two cubes of the
same mix at the age of 1, 3, 7, 14, 28, 56, 90 and 180 days of age. The
repeatability of the strength tests was calculated according to EN 12390-3 as
the normalized range in percents: rf = (fc,max
– fc,min)/fcm×100. Similarly, the normalized ranges in
percents corresponding to the rebound hammer test results were formulated as: rR = (Rm,max – Rm,min)/Rm,avg×100,
where Rm,i is the average rebound index corresponding to each cubes
and Rm,avg is the average of Rm,max and Rm,min.
The EN 12390-3
standard indicates that the precision of compressive strength testing (i.e. the
repeatability of compressive strengths obtained on 150 mm cubes) is acceptable
if rf ≤ 9%. Regarding present tests, the
value of rf was found to be lower than 9% in
95.3% of the cases, with a mean of E[rf] = 3.75% and
a median of m[rf] = 2.71% so the tests can be
considered to be rather precise. No considerable
influence of the age of concrete at testing was observed.
Fig. 20 indicates rR and rf in the same coordinate system at two different magnifications of
the axes. One can clearly see that the two variables are completely independent
from each other and no relationship is possible to be formulated between them.
Therefore, it can be postulated that the coefficient of variation of the
rebound index (VR) could not be an acceptable estimate of the
coefficient of variation of concrete compressive strength (Vf) in
the proposed simplified way. If, however, the variation of the rebound index is
considered in a different way than the coefficient of variation of test
locations (e.g. by the adaptation of variograms to depict spatial variability
in geostatistics [46-47]) then the rebound hammer test may be a suitable tool
for the estimation of the coefficient of variation of concrete compressive
strength (Vf) in a practical situation. Further research is needed
in this field.
Fig. 20. Precision (normalized ranges) of the compressive strength test (rf,%) and rebound hammer test (rR,%) indicating two different magnifications of the axes of the coordinate system.
Fig. 20. Precision (normalized ranges) of the compressive strength test (rf,%) and rebound hammer test (rR,%) indicating two different magnifications of the axes of the coordinate system.
9. Conclusions
An extensive
statistical analysis of the variability of concrete rebound hardness parameters
has been made based on a large database of 60 years laboratory and in-situ
experience. The following conclusions can be drawn.
a) The average rebound index Rm(t) and the average compressive strength
of concrete fcm(t) – both
are time dependent material properties – can not be directly correlated to each
other as univariate functions; the relationship needs the introduction of the
series of multivariate functions, where the independent variables are the
degree of hydration, the type and amount of cement and aggregate, the
environmental conditions and the testing conditions.
b) An observational
reading error exists in the rebound hammer
test due to the design of the scale of the device. The observational
error can reach the magnitude of 20% in particular cases, but this error seems
to have negligible influence when rebound indices are averaged. It is not yet
demonstrated if the observational error may result bias of the rebound index
data. It is suggested that a simple development of the testing device may
eliminate the operator observational error: a scale of the index rider would be
needed that indicates both even and odd values rather than only even values as
it is the case for the original design.
c) Normality tests demonstrated that the precision of the original
N-type Schmidt hammer is superior to original L-type or Silver-Schmidt N-type
hammers for concrete. Lower precision of the L-type original Schmidt hammer and
of the Silver-Schmidt hammer is due to the lighter hammer masses impacting
within both devices and the sensitivity of the electro-optical recording
(Silver-Schmidt hammer).
d) The basic curve of EN 13791 for the rebound hammer test is not set
to an artificially lowest position for which always a positive shift could be
applied for the actual strength assessment. Basic curve of EN 13791 is
suggested to be reconsidered.
e) The within-test variation (repeatability) parameters of the rebound hammer
test have similar tendency to that of the within-test variation parameters of
concrete strength; i.e. no clear tendency is found in the standard deviation
over the average and a clear decreasing tendency can be observed in the
coefficient of variation by the increasing average. ACI 228.1R-03 Committee
Report implications contradict to these results, therefore, the within-test
variation statements in ACI 228.1R-03 are suggested to be reconsidered.
f) The probability distribution of the within-test standard deviation
of the rebound index as well as of the rebound index ranges of individual test
locations follow the Dagum distribution with strong positive skewness. ASTM C
805 implications can not fit to these findings, therefore the statements in
ASTM C 805 about the values of the standard deviation and the range of rebound
indices are suggested to be reconsidered.
g) For the rebound indices, the probability distribution of the
standardized ranges and that of the empirical studentized ranges are different
and their values are about to be equal only at their mean value levels. At 95%
probability level the difference is unacceptably high, therefore, the
application of Table 1 of ASTM C 670
for the rebound hammer test is suggested to be reconsidered.
h) The within-test coefficient of variation of the rebound index is
influenced by the w/c-ratio of the concrete, the age of the concrete, the
cement type used for the concrete, the testing conditions of the concrete, the
carbonation depth of the concrete and the impact energy of the rebound hammer.
i) The within-test coefficient of variation of the rebound index could
not be an acceptable estimate of the coefficient of variation of concrete
compressive strength, therefore, further research is needed to refine the
rebound hammer test to become a suitable tool for the estimation of the variability
of concrete compressive strength in a practical situation.
Authors hope
that the results of the statistical analyses introduced in present paper may add to, further
initiate and help the scientific progress of international scientific/technical
committees, directly RILEM TC ISC “Non destructive in situ strength assessment
of concrete”, ASTM Committee C09.64 “Nondestructive and In-Place Testing”, ACI
Committee 228 “Nondestructive Testing of Concrete” and CEN/TC 104/SC1 “Concrete
- Specification, performance, production and conformity”, throughout the
database itself and the revealed characteristics of statistical parameters that
can be a basis for further discussions.
Authors gratefully acknowledge the
support of the project “Development of quality-oriented and
harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional model at BME”
(TAMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0002), the project “Talent care and cultivation in
the scientific workshops of BME” (TAMOP-4.2.2.B-10/1-2010-0009), the National
Excellence Program “Elaborating and Operating an Inland Student and Researcher
Personal Support System” (TAMOP 4.2.4. A/1-11-1-2012-0001) and the Hungarian
Research Fund project “Durability and performance characteristics of concretes
with novel type supplementary materials” (OTKA K 109233).
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The term kurtosis (after the
Greek word κυρτός = kurtos, meaning curved) is the measure of the peakedness of the probability density
function of a random variable. The definition of kurtosis is originated to Pearson. In practice, the excess kurtosis
is used, which gives a comparison of the shape of a certain probability distribution
to that of the normal distribution. Normal distribution has zero excess kurtosis and is called mesokurtic. Probability distributions
with positive excess kurtosis are
called leptokurtic, and have a narrower peak around the mean and fatter (= longer) tails. Probability distributions with negative excess kurtosis are called platykurtic, and have a wider
peak around the mean and thinner (=
shorter) tails. The meaning of these
words can be memorized by the instructive memoria
technica given by Student
(William Sealy Gosset) in his paper [48] (Fig.
A.1): platykurtic distribution can be represented by a platypus, while
leptokurtic distribution can be shaped by two kangaroos, noted for “lepping”
(though, perhaps, with equal reason they should be hares as Student added in his paper) [48].
Fig. A.1. Memoria technica given by Student (William Sealy Gosset) in his paper [48] for the platykurtic and leptokurtic distribution.
Fig. A.1. Memoria technica given by Student (William Sealy Gosset) in his paper [48] for the platykurtic and leptokurtic distribution.
In memoriam of our colleague, mentor and friend,
István Zsigovics PhD, who has left us so early.
Dear István, thank you for everything.
Dear István, thank you for everything.
May your soul rest in peace.
K. Szilágyi, A. Borosnyói